What's new in pip 25.0
pip 25.0 adds support for SPDX License Expressions (PEP 639), build environment bugfixes, and further optimizations among other changes.
pip 25.0 adds support for SPDX License Expressions (PEP 639), build environment bugfixes, and further optimizations among other changes.
pip 24.3 is a small release with a truststore bugfix, error QoL improvements, and one minor deprecation of noncompliant wheel filenames.
In version 24.2, pip learns to use system certificates by default, receives a handful of optimizations, and deprecates legacy (setup.py develop) editable installations.
Black 23.1.0 introduces an updated stable style, improved inference of the default target version(s), and other QOL improvements.
We just released Black 23.1a1 with the first draft of the 2023 stable style, please try it out and let us know your feedback and concerns.
Black 22.10.0 removes runtime support for Python 3.6, fixes a major fmt: off/on bug, and other QOL improvements.
mypyc can compile Black and provide respectable performance gains, let’s deploy it in production!
Compiling Black without errors or warnings was the easy bit, now I had to optimize it for mypyc.