Release 22.1.0 of Black was special, not only was it the first stable version of Black, it was also the first release to ship with mypyc compiled wheels, doubling performance1 🎉.

The journey getting here took over two years, the creation of two new dev tools, and lots and lots of headscratching. Let’s go down memory lane, shall we?

This is a long story so it’s broken up into three parts. Collectively this is the Compiling Black with mypyc series.

While I’d love it if you would read this end to end, I totally understand if this ends up in the “to read later” section of your bookmarks. I just hope you enjoy whatever you do read!

… and yes it took me almost 6 months after deploying mypyc to write this.

Introduction to mypyc

Before I dig into the story of how I integrated mypyc into Black, I want to explain what mypyc is and show an example using it. mypyc is a transcompiler converting typed Python code into fast C extensions. Being built on top of the mypy type checker, it leverages standard type annotations2 (unlike Cython).

It has been used to compile mypy (and itself since mypyc comes with mypy) since 2019, giving it a 4x performance boost over interpreted Python. According to the mypyc project:

Existing code with type annotations is often 1.5x to 5x faster when compiled. Code tuned for mypyc can be 5x to 10x faster.3

It achieves these impressive speed ups by:

  • Using the C-API directly, avoiding the CPython interpreter overhead.

  • Leveraging early binding, resolving called functions and names at compile-time, skipping the expensive dictionary lookup at runtime.

  • Using optimized, type-specific primitives for many built-in functions and methods.

  • Using custom memory-efficient, unboxed representations for integers and booleans.

  • Compiling regular classes to C extension classes. C extension classes use vtables for fast method calls and attribute access.

… and other optimizations I’ve left out for the sake of brevity.

Time for an example

Interested? I sure hope so since it’s time for an example! To get started, create a throwaway directory somewhere, a virtual environment, and install mypy. As of writing I’m using mypy 0.931 on Ubuntu 20.04.03 with CPython 3.8.5.

Next, let’s take a look at the code4 we’ll soon compile. It’s a simple program that bruteforces its way to find all of the factor pairs for a given product. I mostly chose this example because it’s very dear to my heart. It was the first “serious” program I wrote while learning Python5. I originally wrote the same logic in’s app lab many years ago.

import time
from typing import List, Tuple

def compute(product: int) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
    answers = []
    for factor in range(1, product + 1):
        if not product % factor:
            factor2 = int(product / factor)
            answers.append((factor, factor2))
    return answers

t0 = time.perf_counter()
elapsed = time.perf_counter() - t0
print(f"compute() took {elapsed * 1000:.1f} milliseconds")

Once saved, run it noting the time it takes:

$ python
compute() took 1880.7 milliseconds

Alright, it’s a bit slow, let’s see if mypyc can change that:

$ mypyc
running build_ext
creating build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.8
creating build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.8/build
gcc -pthread -Wno-unused-result -Wsign-compare -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -fPIC -I/home/ichard26/programming/webdev/blog/testing-grounds/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mypyc/lib-rt -I/home/ichard26/programming/webdev/blog/testing-grounds/venv/include -I/opt/python3.8.5/include/python3.8 -c build/__native.c -o build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.8/build/__native.o -O3 -g1 -Werror -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-label -Wno-unreachable-code -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-command-line-argument -Wno-unknown-warning-option -Wno-unused-but-set-variable
creating build/lib.linux-x86_64-3.8
gcc -pthread -shared build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.8/build/__native.o -o build/lib.linux-x86_64-3.8/

$ python -c "import coefficient_finder"
compute() took 331.6 milliseconds

And would you look at that, mypyc gave us a near 6x improvement over CPython! What’s neat is that I didn’t even need to type all of the variables thanks to mypy’s type inference.

And actually, since the mypyc script is a simple wrapper that generates a setuptools project and builds it in-place, you can peek into the build directory and look at the generated C code (should be in __native.c).

Feel free to edit the program and play around with mypyc, seeing what little scripts it can speed up. Pro-tip, to restore back to the interpreted version of your program, you can delete the .so file on Linux & MacOS or the .pyd file on Windows. In this example I got

It’s not a silver bullet

There’s several downsides to using mypyc. While the project aims for excellent compatibility with CPython, there are some major deviations worth noting:

  • Types are enforced at runtime and violations will cause a TypeError (this makes using typing.Any quite dangerous).

  • Compiled modules can’t be run directly, you have to import ‘em instead.

  • Monkeypatching anything compiled is unlikely to work as compiled code skips many of the runtime __dict__ lookups normal Python does.

  • Assignments to class and instance namespaces will either error or do nothing, in particular you can’t add previously undeclared attributes later on.

  • Standard multiple inheritance isn’t supported.

  • Profilers (e.g. CProfile), debuggers (e.g. pdb), and tracing hooks (e.g. coverage) won’t work as the C code doesn’t trigger the relevant hooks.

There are more details available in the official mypyc documentation here and also here.

black + mypyc: Initial steps

I wasn’t the first person to integrate mypyc into Black; way back in September 2019, @msullivan opened a PR getting Black ready for compilation. Unfortunately, as is typical in open source projects, no one took the half-completed work and pushed it to completion … for almost two years.

You might be wondering why performance even matters, well clearly it mattered a lot since GH-366 was opened in June 2018! The TL;DR is that for environments where Black is ran on save automatically, the more responsive it is the better as less time is spent in a laggy editor window.

Start up time is important too given imports are costly (it turns out mypyc can reduce import time too!), but this issue was explicitly about formatting throughput.

Given I first publicly announced my work finishing up the project on July 4th 2021, I sadly don’t remember why I decided to pick it up. All I remember was fighting mypyc compile-time type errors and fighting an outdated gcc… well OK I do remember I was looking to learn more about type systems and C development in general, but that’s it, I promise!

First off, as of writing mypyc has a bug (mypyc#885) where its boxing & unboxing code triggers array subscript 1 is above array bounds on blib2to3.pgen2.parse.Parser.setup. I simplified the reproduction case to the following:

from typing import Optional, Tuple

Context = Tuple[str, Tuple[int, int]]
RawNode = Tuple[int, Optional[str], Optional[Context]]

def setup() -> None:
    # This is what ticks off gcc.
    newnode: RawNode = (7, None, None)

… yeah, I know this makes mypyc look fragile. While it’s not entirely stupid to use it in production (because I did so), you’d be right in pointing out it’s alpha quality and needs careful testing. And to be fair, poor past me didn’t know just how many issues I’d soon face. All I can hope is that this work will help mypyc improve ❀

Anyway I switched to clang and this issue disappeared …

Trying to compile black and blib2to36 initially seemed like a small task with just these type errors:

$ python --use-mypyc bdist_wheel
Parsed and typechecked in 8.566s
Compiled to C in 0.000s
src/black/ error: Cannot assign multiple modules to name "ast3" without explicit "types.ModuleType" annotation
src/black/ error: Cannot assign multiple modules to name "ast27" without explicit "types.ModuleType" annotation
src/black/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Tuple[Type[typed_ast.ast3.TypeIgnore], Type[typed_ast.ast27.TypeIgnore], Type[_ast.TypeIgnore]]", variable has type "Tuple[Type[typed_ast.ast3.TypeIgnore], Type[typed_ast.ast27.TypeIgnore]]")

The ones about Cannot assign multiple modules to name ... are valid if annoying, back then the code in black.parsing was pretty dynamic. The other one was just that mypy under “mypyc super-strict mode” won’t infer a variable to be a variable-length tuple even if it’s extended right after:

def stringify_ast(
    node: Union[ast.AST, ast3.AST, ast27.AST], depth: int = 0
) -> Iterator[str]:
    """Simple visitor generating strings to compare ASTs by content."""

    node = fixup_ast_constants(node)

    yield f"{'  ' * depth}{node.__class__.__name__}("

    for field in sorted(node._fields):  # noqa: F402
        # TypeIgnore has only one field 'lineno' which breaks this comparison
        type_ignore_classes = (ast3.TypeIgnore, ast27.TypeIgnore)
        if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
            type_ignore_classes += (ast.TypeIgnore,)

The fix was to add Tuple[Type, ...].

type_ignore_classes: Tuple[Type, ...] = (ast3.TypeIgnore, ast27.TypeIgnore)

Now, the codebase was able to type check even under “mypyc super-strict mode,” but obviously that just meant I had another class of fires to deal with, *compiler crashes*!

$ python --use-mypyc bdist_wheel
Parsed and typechecked in 8.929s
Compiling cache, strings, black, debug, parsing, brackets, lines, files, literals, conv, trans, linegen, numerics, nodes, const, pgen, pygram, output, token, concurrency, parse, report, mode, driver, grammar, tokenize, pytree, rusty, comments
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "mypyc/irbuild/", line 169, in accept
  File "mypy/", line 950, in accept
  File "mypyc/irbuild/", line 104, in visit_class_def
  File "mypyc/irbuild/", line 137, in transform_class_def
  File "mypyc/irbuild/", line 388, in generate_attr_defaults
  File "mypyc/ir/", line 174, in attr_type
  File "mypyc/ir/", line 171, in attr_details
src/black/ KeyError: "'CustomSplitMapMixin' has no attribute '_Key'"

This issue was just due to missing ClassVar declarations for attributes that are functionally class-only attributes. The fix was pretty easy :)

 class CustomSplitMapMixin:
     This mixin class is used to map merged strings to a sequence of
@@ -191,8 +204,10 @@ class CustomSplitMapMixin:
     the resultant substrings go over the configured max line length.

-    _Key = Tuple[StringID, str]
-    _CUSTOM_SPLIT_MAP: Dict[_Key, Tuple[CustomSplit, ...]] = defaultdict(tuple)
+    _Key: ClassVar = Tuple[StringID, str]
+    _CUSTOM_SPLIT_MAP: ClassVar[Dict[_Key, Tuple[CustomSplit, ...]]] = defaultdict(
+        tuple
+    )

Do you see that @trait addition? well … mypyc does in fact support a limited form of multiple inheritance called traits. They’re basically mixins. As noted in the mypyc documentation, they shouldn’t be instantiated or subclass non-traits.

And as usual, fixing this crash revealed *even* *more* *issues*, albeit mypyc specific this time:

$ python --use-mypyc bdist_wheel
Parsed and typechecked in 8.122s
Compiling pgen, parse, parsing, mode, pytree, token, debug, const, lines, numerics, rusty, conv, comments, files, trans, cache, black, grammar, output, brackets, tokenize, linegen, pygram, report, literals, nodes, strings, concurrency, driver
Compiled to C in 0.970s
src/black/ error: Non-trait bases must appear first in parent list
src/black/ error: Non-trait bases must appear first in parent list
src/black/ error: Non-trait bases must appear first in parent list
src/black/ error: Inheriting from most builtin types is unimplemented
src/black/ warning: Treating generator comprehension as list
src/black/ warning: Unsupported default attribute value
src/black/ warning: Unsupported default attribute value
src/blib2to3/pgen2/ error: Local variable "stashed" has inferred type None; add an annotation
src/black/ error: Local variable "stop_after" has inferred type None; add an annotation
src/black/ error: Local variable "last" has inferred type None; add an annotation

These were pretty straightforward to fix and sometimes even improved code clarity, forcing me to add type annotations in complex code.

More changes were necessary than expected

All of this was only to get the codebase to type check and not crash the compiler. Getting the built binary to not crash at runtime needed more work. Some of these changes were improvements, like this one which involved an incorrect type annotation:

diff --git a/src/black/ b/src/black/
index 8e2123d..6998c1e 100644
--- a/src/black/
+++ b/src/black/
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ def main(
     experimental_string_processing: bool,
     quiet: bool,
     verbose: bool,
-    required_version: str,
+    required_version: Optional[str],
     include: Pattern,
     exclude: Optional[Pattern],
     extend_exclude: Optional[Pattern],

This goes to show that while the strict runtime type checks can be very annoying, they do have value beyond memory safety.

Sad and frustrating changes

… but others were just sad or annoying (mixing dataclasses with anything remotely fancy breaks mypyc).

diff --git a/src/black/ b/src/black/
index 76b553a..1691cc5 100644
--- a/src/black/
+++ b/src/black/
@@ -40,7 +38,8 @@ class CannotSplit(CannotTransform):
     """A readable split that fits the allotted line length is impossible."""

+# This isn't a dataclass because @dataclass + Generic breaks mypyc.
+# See also
 class LineGenerator(Visitor[Line]):
     """Generates reformatted Line objects.  Empty lines are not emitted.

@@ -48,9 +47,11 @@ class LineGenerator(Visitor[Line]):
     in ways that will no longer stringify to valid Python code on the tree.

-    mode: Mode
-    remove_u_prefix: bool = False
-    current_line: Line = field(init=False)
+    def __init__(self, mode: Mode, remove_u_prefix: bool = False) -> None:
+        self.mode = mode
+        self.remove_u_prefix = remove_u_prefix
+        self.current_line: Line
+        self.__post_init__()

     def line(self, indent: int = 0) -> Iterator[Line]:
         """Generate a line.
diff --git a/src/black/ b/src/black/
index 023dcd3..d918ef1 100644
--- a/src/black/
+++ b/src/black/
@@ -62,7 +71,6 @@ def TErr(err_msg: str) -> Err[CannotTransform]:
     return Err(cant_transform)

-@dataclass  # type: ignore
 class StringTransformer(ABC):
     An implementation of the Transformer protocol that relies on its
@@ -90,9 +98,13 @@ class StringTransformer(ABC):
         as much as possible.

-    line_length: int
-    normalize_strings: bool
-    __name__ = "StringTransformer"
+    __name__: Final = "StringTransformer"
+    # Ideally this would be a dataclass, but unfortunately mypyc breaks when used with
+    # `abc.ABC`.
+    def __init__(self, line_length: int, normalize_strings: bool) -> None:
+        self.line_length = line_length
+        self.normalize_strings = normalize_strings

Hackiness += 10000

One change stood out as the most hacky7 code I’ve probably ever written so far:

diff --git a/src/black/ b/src/black/
index 76b553a..1691cc5 100644
--- a/src/black/
+++ b/src/black/
@@ -335,7 +336,9 @@ def transform_line(
         transformers = [left_hand_split]

-        def rhs(line: Line, features: Collection[Feature]) -> Iterator[Line]:
+        def _rhs(
+            self: object, line: Line, features: Collection[Feature]
+        ) -> Iterator[Line]:
             """Wraps calls to `right_hand_split`.

             The calls increasingly `omit` right-hand trailers (bracket pairs with
@@ -362,6 +365,11 @@ def transform_line(
                 line, line_length=mode.line_length, features=features

+        # HACK: functions (like rhs) compiled by mypyc don't retain their __name__
+        # attribute which is needed in `run_transformer` further down. Unfortunately
+        # a nested class breaks mypyc too. So a class must be created via type ...
+        rhs = type("rhs", (), {"__call__": _rhs})()
         if mode.experimental_string_processing:
             if line.inside_brackets:
                 transformers = [

I also had to change the code accessing __name__ to do so via __class__ so this hack could work. Minor correction though, top-level compiled functions still have __name__, it’s just nested functions that don’t have ‘em8. I improved this comment before this landed.

The least bad workaround

I remember getting an impromptu “how to read mypyc-generated C code” lesson from @JelleZijlstra 9. I was trying to debug this runtime crash in this black.trans class:

class StringParser:


    # String Parser States
    START = 1
    DOT = 2
    NAME = 3
    PERCENT = 4
    LPAR = 6
    RPAR = 7
    DONE = 8

    # Lookup Table for Next State
    _goto: Dict[Tuple[ParserState, NodeType], ParserState] = {

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 30, in <module>

It turns out the generated code wanted to access the DEFAULT_TOKEN attribute from the globals dict, predictably blowing up.

    cpy_r_r146 = CPyStatic_globals;
    cpy_r_r147 = CPyStatics[17]; /* 'DEFAULT_TOKEN' */
    cpy_r_r148 = CPyDict_GetItem(cpy_r_r146, cpy_r_r147);

If this scares you, don’t fret, it’s not impossible to read. First, the globals dict is assigned to cpy_r_r146, then the name (or key) we’re looking up is read and stored in cpy_r_r147. Finally, cpy_r_r146 and cpy_r_r147 are passed to the CPyDict_GetItem function.

Effectively, the buggy C code was trying to do this (unnecessary lines were replaced with ...):

class StringParser:
    START = 1
    DONE = 8

    __var_146 = globals()
    __var_147 = "DEFAULT_TOKEN"
    __var_148 = var_146[var_147]

    _goto = {
        (START, __var_148): DONE

The root issue (mypyc#862) is that mypyc doesn’t understand class level scoping … or that negative integers are constants (using a positive integer fixed the crash). I embedded the date I workarounded this issue, I think it’s a pretty cute historical codebase quirk ❀

@@ -1811,20 +1826,20 @@ class StringParser:

+    DEFAULT_TOKEN: Final = 20210605

Phew, it’s faster

It was at this time I finally posted the first set of benchmark numbers, they weren’t scientific or reliable in any way, but it did prove mypyc was still a worthwhile way to improve performance. Formatting the Black codebase (so meta, I know) with compiled Black yielded a performance gain of 1.82x, impressive for the short amount of time I had put in!

I had to verify this experimental build wasn’t completely unstable though. I couldn’t just run the test suite with compiled Black installed, some tests use mocks which trigger the strict type checks mypyc does at runtime. Sadly, I had to mark these tests as straight up incompatible so they could be skipped.

It’s still alpha software

As of writing mypyc is still alpha software with rough edges everywhere, I already showed quite a few of them above, but there were more đŸ˜„ You can read the rest in this integration report I filed in the mypyc issue tracker.

And I know, y’all are wondering why Black didn’t use Cython, well I’m not sure as I wasn’t around in 2019 when @ambv first suggested using mypyc. Eitherway I didn’t look into Cython because at the time as it seemed like I only had the final scraps left and didn’t have too much work to do … which was both right and wrong depending on how you look at it.

Could Black be even faster if we had used Cython? Probably, but that would have required learning C which would have taken quite a while.

Anyway, it’s time for Pt. 2 - Optimization.

  1. When I first landed the relevant PR it was an overall 2x improvement, but once Jelle added a stability hotfix the effective speedup for files that were changed is 50%. If you’re formatting a bunch of already well formatted files, the speedup is still 2x ↩︎

  2. There’s too many typing related PEPs to copy and paste, but there’s an up to date list here: ↩︎

  3. ↩︎

  4. I am well aware I don’t need to import List or Tuple from typing anymore. I’m just keeping my code examples compatible with older versions of Python. ↩︎

  5. Well not quite exactly this, it was a crappier solution with a time complexity of O(nÂČ) instead of O(n), oh and of course my code style was less than ideal and I didn’t use type annotations, but let’s not go there :) ↩︎

  6. It’s a fork of lib2to3, see for why. ↩︎

  7. What’s funny is that the PR which added this __name__ check had a review noting the hackiness of reading the attribute in the first place. It was dismissed as it would have taken too much effort to properly implement the required logic, turns out we got this fun code in return! ↩︎

  8. It’s because internally mypyc implements nested functions as callable classes ↩︎

  9. Reading the results searching from:ichard26#4772 in:black-formatter mypyc in the Python Discord server nets some interesting discussion and history :p ↩︎